
Friday, October 22, 2010

October 22, 2010

 Wild Learning in the Kindergarten Jungle!

*Heart word of the week: a

*Our focus book of the week was called, Peter's Chair.  With this book, we practiced recognizing the story structure (beginning, middle, end) and we practiced making predictions.

*We wrote a nonfiction story during our formal writing time.  We wrote about the life cycle of a pumpkin.  I have sent many papers home involving our writing.  You may notice that you can read parts of it and not others.  That is completely normal and part of the developmental process of learning how to write.  We are currently working on writing the sounds that we hear in words.

*In math, we practiced a lot with patterns.  We were each assigned one out of two or three animals.  Each animal had a sound and motion.  We then put ourselves into a pattern and went through the line making the animal noise.  With this, we practiced creating, extending, and naming the patterns (AB pattern, ABC pattern, AAB pattern, etc.).  We also practiced the same skills with cubes.

*During Daily 5, we learned a new activity called Word Work.  With this new activity, we will be working with words and experimenting with them.  With our current specific word work, we are matching letters and/or writing words (names, heart words, etc.)

*In science, we continued to practice with the life cycle of a pumpkin and we practiced recognizing some of the various parts of a pumpkin.

*We explored many of the same community centers this week.  One of our new centers was our marble run.  With this activity, we practiced our construction and problem solving skills.  At our fine motor center, we worked on our gluing and folding with a pumpkin life cycle project.

*Scrubby Bear from the Red Cross came and taught us about hand washing.

*We enjoyed our field trip to the pumpkin patch!

*Last Friday, we met our 4th grade buddy class.  They read some stories to us, asked us questions, and helped us look for heart words in the books.