
Friday, October 8, 2010

October 8, 2010

*Next week, our farm/farmer's market will be opening for "business"!  We would love some small pumpkins and squash to compete our special area.

*On Friday, we are going to explore our sense of taste with a yummy pumpkin recipe!  We would love 1 can of solid-pack pumpkin, 1 pint of skim milk, large cups, straws.  If you are able to donate an item, click on "0 comments" at the bottom of this post and indicate the item you are sending in.  If you do not have internet access, send a note in and I will post.  Hopefully this will prevent duplicates from being sent in!

Wild Learning in the Kindergarten Jungle! 

-Our Heart word for the week was: the

-Our new theme is pumpkins!  We will be exploring pumpkins and doing pumpkin activities for the next few weeks.  We will become pumpkin experts by the end of our unit!  We had many fun activities during our community centers.  At our science center, we were able to dig inside pumpkins and discover what the insides look like, smell like, and feel like! We practiced our fine motor skills (hand/finger muscles) by using tweezers and picking up pumpkin seeds.  The seeds were put inside little pumpkins.  Each little pumpkin had a number on it and that was the number of seeds that needed to be put in.  This week we also practiced measuring how tall we are by using pumpkin cutouts!
-Our focus book for the week was called, Whose Baby Am I?  With this story, we practiced recognizing the pattern.  We noticed the same words were repeated on each page.  We learned that this helps us figure out the words so we can read them!

-In writing, we continued to practice writing stories using our heart words.  We also continued practicing stretching out sounds and listening for the letters that we know.

-We made October calendar markers this week during math.  We also made a paper quilt and explored the patterns in the quilt.

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