
Friday, October 29, 2010

October 29, 2010

Thank you!

Thank you Mrs. Ceru and Mrs. Evans for planning such a fantastic party!  Also, thank you to everyone who donated items or helped at the party!

Tuesday's Tornado Warnings

Everyone did a phenomenal job on Tuesday when we had to go to our safe location due to the weather.  We spent quite a while in our safe positions and I was SO impressed with your children!  Feel free to take this opprotunity to talk about/practice what your family does at home in case of a tornado.

Wild Learning in Kindergarten

*Heart word for the week: see

*Our focus book for the week was called, What I Like.  With this book, we worked on asking questions while we are reading.  We were also introduced to identifying the characters.

*Almost every morning, we come in and write in our journals.  We spent this week working on posters to show our knowledge about pumpkins.

*During our formal writing time, we wrote stories about spiders and bones.  We practiced stretching out words and using our heart word like.

*We had a busy week in math.  We were introduced to a tens frame (10 boxes- 5 on top, 5 on bottom).  We explored them and used it to match quantities to numerals.  We also were introduced to creating specific shapes on geoboards and then recording these designs on a piece of paper.  We were also introduced to tallying with popsicle sticks this week.  We used our knowledge of tens frames, numerals, and tallies to play a game of bingo.

*Our theme for the week was bats, skeletons, and spiders.  We learned a bit about each and did some activities surrounding those themes.  At our community centers, our dramatic play was turned into a bat cave.  We also made some spiders out of our hand prints and skeletons out of macaroni.

*Our science center had some slime in it.  We discovered that it was hard when we would squeeze it and then it would melt through our fingers when we stopped squeezing it.
*We acted out the nursery rhyme, Little Miss Muffet, throughout the week.  We also practiced finding spaces and words within the nursery rhyme.
 *We had a fantastic Halloween Party!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mrs. Matulis for keeping our kids safe and not scared during Tuesdays weather! And thank you for a great party.. Everyone had a great time :)
